Her initial agitation settled into seismic motion that was perfectly consonant with my own thrusting.
Most of it perfectly consonant with the doubts and fears of any normal child.
The press campaign and the Falangist demands for retribution were perfectly consonant with Franco's own view of the 9 February events.
Since the term perfect means, in this context, perfectly consonant, the impure perfect fourth and perfect fifth are sometimes simply called imperfect fourth and fifth.
This is also true for any perfect fourth or perfect fifth which slightly deviates from the perfectly consonant 4:3 or 3:2 ratios (for instance, those tuned using 12-tone equal or 1/4-comma meantone temperament).
The price paid, in this case, is that none of them is justly tuned and perfectly consonant, except, of course, for the unison and the octave.
"The delicacies of the Comte de Vergennes about communicating my powers [to Britain] are not perfectly consonant to my manner of thinking," Adams wrote to Congress.
That you now request we submit exculpatory evidence is perfectly consonant with the occasionally 'Alice in Wonderland' nature of this whole enterprise.
"And I think it's perfectly consonant with our identity as a Catholic university."
Even the acrid tang of the daisy seemed perfectly consonant with the white, so prim and stark, of the flower itself!