There are some small arithmetic steps that seem perfectly comprehensible and that most people could be taught.
One side or the other of his nature was perfectly comprehensible; but both sides together were bewildering.
The answer was muffled by the barrier, but perfectly comprehensible.
She looked from face to face round the table, and all three of them were perfectly comprehensible, both on the surface level and beneath it.
It had the advantage, however, of being perfectly comprehensible to Captain Whyte.
The others, despite their heavy working-class accents, are perfectly comprehensible, and what they say isn't pretty.
It also says that, contrary to the claims of some critics, it is perfectly comprehensible.
The words were spoken in Eiran, which had seemed perfectly comprehensible to me the night before.
So this was a perfectly comprehensible system, not like a confined suit at all.
"She's the only thing in the world that I got," he declares, with perfectly comprehensible illogic.