The perfect spiral, the fingertip grab, the amazing run.they are all part of football's history.
Chakib's plane plummeted down in a perfect spiral trailing a long flame and black smoke behind it.
Michael throws a perfect spiral almost every time.
The coach said he couldn't believe a 10-year-old could throw a perfect spiral and he made him quarterback.
By Friday, the Giants' ends and backs were catching up to the football, which is almost always a perfect spiral.
I was the one who sent those louts to the heavens in two perfect opposing spirals.
A perfect spiral resulted in a perfect finish Saturday night.
It floated down through the water, a perfect miniature spiral, tinted pink and purple.
A woodpecker's movement around a tree trunk defines a perfect spiral.
Leeuwenburg snapped a perfect spiral, five feet over Gardocki's head.