There is no perfect parallel to the magnificent Capablanca.
The 1998 world championships were almost a perfect parallel: the United States rolled over Russia, 96-60, in the second round.
So also my equation, fantastic as it may seem, has a perfect and absolute parallel in logic.
They hit the beach and slithered up to Electra, their serpent bodies moving in perfect parallel.
There were, before that hammer blow, two worlds in perfect parallel.
Bahzell didn't even blink, but his mobile ears twitched, moving in perfect parallel with Walsharno's to point forward.
Well, that is a perfect parallel.
Stock-car racing seemed to me the perfect parallel to an actor's career.
"So the 'z' at the end of 'Antz' is a perfect parallel," he added, "directly analogous."
It was preposterous that certain conditions on the separate planets could run such a perfect parallel as to produce an identical language.