In this article, we'll see how to apply your own American manicure for that "Are those perfect nails even polished?"
His little hand is black, his nails perfect horny claws, his movements gentle and inviting.
But Thome's nose itched furiously and the hand he took in his was soft like a woman's, with glisten- ing, perfect nails.
I bit at a perfect nail and ruined it.
L. has perfect inch-long nails of her own.
Jacki has perfect nails.
There before me stood a vision: Snow White in ankle-length coyote coat, sleek Italian boots, perfect nails and a warm smile.
At the emperor's side, Agrippina tilted her head and ran a single perfect nail down the side of her cheek.
She inhabits Carmela so fully as to elevate her into an archetype: the moral dilemma with perfect nails.
He dropped his gaze and concentrated on his hands, examining his clean perfect nails.