It was a perfect jewel of a town nestled in a small, shallow valley like a dimple.
It had changed to priceless jade, ornamented with nine circles of rare and perfect jewels.
"If there is really no other woman aboard, one of you is a perfect jewel, washing out the dainty underthings."
A frozen, perfect jewel that shone like a diamond in the sun.
It seems a pity that his favorite lady, a perfect jewel, has no children.
The dark jewel of her, tiny but near perfect and nigh all of it showing as proof.
Some hidden lights within it made it glow continuously with that inimitable, indescribable blue of the most perfect jewel.
In this setting she seemed to him a perfect jewel.
It's a showcase, a perfect jewel in a diadem not intended for wear.
It was the Mona Lisa - the summum bonum - of selling, the perfect little jewel.