Droplets of sweat detached themselves from his face and became perfect globes.
The tomatoes, hanging on the vines, were an even red and all were perfect globes.
The image reverted to the perfect blue, green and ochre globe the visitors had seen when they had first taken their seats.
Each one has been 'turned' by hand into a perfect globe.
The pale, perfect globes of flesh glistened in the weak afternoon sun and sent his body to throbbing heatedly.
It was a washed out red and almost a perfect globe.
The inner surface was a perfect globe, a little more than a mile in diameter.
Then, one by one, the screens lit up with a perfect blue and white globe.
The long, bowed port showed a scatter of stars and the perfect blue-green globe of Earth.
I stumbled onto the perfect globes one Saturday afternoon before the wedding while walking down Madison Avenue.