Three in number, they had timed their dash to a perfect getaway.
In your case, Roy, a couple of hours mean a perfect getaway, with another mystery for the police.
I thought this was going to be a perfect getaway.
Nick Angreff had made a perfect getaway by using its system.
It's a perfect little getaway from the hustle and bustle of St. Martin.
The series of reports was referred to as "perfect getaways gone wrong," referencing the fact that murder victims were vacationing couples.
But Bump claimed he had made a perfect getaway from a dumb cop.
Assuming that the body-snatchers had made a perfect getaway, it was Harry's business to trail them farther.
He had gauged his time for a perfect getaway before they could really begin to pursue him.
It gave the unknown gunman ample time to make a perfect getaway.