Her high color was patchy now, flushing and fading on those perfect cheekbones.
Lieutenant Ferradi's hair lay in a sleek wave beside her perfect cheekbones.
Yomaira Reynoso, a physical education teacher with perfect cheekbones who dreamed of being a Broadway dancer in her youth, coordinates the program for the school.
Her blond hair was pulled back in a simple knot that only accented her perfect cheekbones, and her eyes were green.
That opening, combined with the sight of his sparkling hazel eyes and perfect cheekbones, was enough for me.
Mr. Abrams seemed particularly pleased that the cast is not all perfect cheekbones and "Baywatch" bodies, although there are certainly plenty of those.
At eighteen, he was the fanzine coverboy, a high school wet dream with perfect cheekbones.
Hey, this is the place where the Calvin Klein-jeans girl of yesteryear gets to prove she's more than just another pair of perfect cheekbones.
Laura grew somewhat rosy about the perfect cheekbones.
Troi smiled so widely, her perfect cheekbones crinkled up to her lovely black eyes.