That case is made by a director, Joe Dowling, who has a deep vision of the play and the perfect cast to execute it.
When flies are falling all over, even a perfect cast will make your fly just one of dozens a trout can choose while hardly moving.
Franklin waited for the fish to close before making a perfect cast; the fly even fell gently.
She stood in the cast of the hall light, still perfect, wearing the same tease-the-peasants blue dress.
He threw without worrying about the boy, a perfect cast that struck the man square in the center of the chest.
And if you wanted the absolutely perfect cast, you could do that.
I think we'll get a perfect cast from this.
James dropped a perfect cast, leading the largest fish by about 15 feet.
After much debate, they finally found the perfect cast.
But when he had tottered there, he made a perfect cast and was onto a 24-inch trout.