A perennial issue among wine fanciers is whether cabernet sauvignon, a red, goes with chocolate.
One of the perennial issues may be the dwindling efficacy of the very term outsider.
But it is hard to understand why the mayor does not apply the same principle to perennial quality-of-life issues.
The issue, rather, is the perennial issue: whether governance will be to the right or the left.
It also helped spotlight campaign finance reform, already a perennial issue for this populist populace.
The perennial local political issue is managing growth.
Among American politicians, moving the embassy to Jerusalem has been a perennial issue for more than a decade.
The composition of the board is one of those perennial issues of government that never seems to be settled.
The question of further curbing Internet gambling has been a perennial issue in Congress in recent years.
He also raised the perennial issue of a possible tension between poetry and belief.