We were about to move on when a peremptory voice from the hearth stopped us in our tracks.
Something in the flat, peremptory voice made Silence's skin crawl, but he kept it off of his face.
"Let me in, please," came a peremptory voice from outside.
He started forward again, then froze as a peremptory voice boomedacross the chamber.
A high, peremptory voice demanded: "What game have you caught there?
We've never before "Young man, let me have a look at you," a peremptory voice demanded from the captain's table.
"Stop a bit, sir," said Adam, in a hard peremptory voice, without turning round.
"Come here where I can see you both more closely," she said in a peremptory voice.
Norman said in a low peremptory voice, and touched the cop's elbow.
But a peremptory voice said quickly: "Up the stairs, the room straight in front of you, my mother is there.