Howell does not ask, for instance, whether Bell's peremptory dismissal of religious leaders was wise ("How I do hate Islam!"
And now, without the slightest warning, comes this peremptory dismissal from W. Windsor.
So I agree that peremptory dismissals are a bad idea.
Nevertheless, the peremptory dismissal of the book which established the modern discipline of macroeconomics is disconcerting.
The aficionados of this place would know when Alia delayed too long, and by now they'd all heard about Jessica's peremptory dismissal of Alia's favorite.
She is both things at different times and she has strongly held opinions which, as in the case of her peremptory dismissal of Kenneth MacMillan, verge on the chauvinistic.
Their expressions were disapproving, but the overpowering presence of the Rivan King made them too timid to protest his peremptory dismissal; they quietly filed out, leaving him alone with the scroll.
He waved again, this time in peremptory dismissal.
In April 1686 James II appointed him baron of the exchequer, by the peremptory dismissal of Sir Standish Hartstonge.
Even if there has been something of a backlash against the peremptory dismissal of those more inclined to make an off-color joke than to pinch a secretary's behind, it is mostly a corrective to a larger trend.