The summit bears no cairn, being a rocky point perched directly above the crag.
Ted was perched on a couch directly across from a brightly lit color television.
Perched directly in front of them was a large, boxy aircraft, with some men scattered around it.
They were perched directly above the Rubber Rose.
It is a large house with cream-colored siding, perched directly above the river.
The entrance ramp to the interstate was just ahead, the lone escape route to about a dozen east-west lanes perched directly above her.
There was a silver flag perched on a spire of rock directly across from them.
The window overlooked the water; the back of the tavern perched on the pier directly above the harbor.
The same hairy sloth they had seen earlier, or its identical twin, now perched directly above them.
When Craig reached his last job, there was a letter perched on a low shelf directly in front of him.