A musical biography whose subject is not the life but the recordings, with perceptive commentary from the author and enlightening reminiscences from musicians who worked with Frank Sinatra.
But in a perceptive commentary in The New Yorker last week, Hendrik Hertzberg noted that Senator Hatch had left out a rather important fact.
His perceptive commentaries on English and other foreign literatures make up a greater part of his works by volume than does his fiction.
My congratulations and appreciation to Ms. Barfoot for her perceptive commentary.
This collection of about 90 poems reads like a wise and perceptive commentary on life, nature, human foibles and the passage of time.
There is a spare but perceptive commentary by the Surrealist historian Robert Short.
In addition, he is recognized for his perceptive commentaries on Iran's recent history and his astute observations on Iranians' cultural and political challenges.
Yet Chie Ito's choreography is sly, growing more complex, and turns into perceptive social commentary.
The attentive reader will find most of the main incidents of Weber's life here, and some interesting and perceptive commentary on most of the topics listed above.
His account, published six years later, was praised for its rich descriptions and perceptive commentary.