"There are always people who will try to use these percentages to reflect the actual number of people" seeking emergency food aid, he said.
These percentages reflect the tip of the iceberg as the survey had included only about 1,084 individuals in the US.
It should be noted that the percentage of land area designated "wilderness" does not necessarily reflect a measure of its biodiversity.
Other experts said the high percentage reflected the high level of fear in the electorate after an extraordinarily bitter campaign.
Unless noted, percentages reflect heterosexual vaginal intercourse only, not other types of sexual activity.
The percentages reflect the number of votes cast for delegates supporting each candidate; Republicans could select up to three delegates.
The low percentage, however, mostly reflects markedly lower income from Apple-based products.
The percentage of legacy admissions reflects competition.
In the early days, the fee and percentage reflected the risk that the factoring company was taking on with a fledgling business.
What we fail to observe, however, is that those percentages primarily reflect a presence at the lower or lowest levels of an institution.