Mr. Brooks writes that "the percentage of young men who read has plummeted over the past 14 years."
The percentage plummeted in the next set, as Safin responded in reverse to momentum.
Since 1983, the percentage of violent felony commitments has plummeted from 63 percent to just 29 percent of those entering New York's prisons.
Their shooting percentage plummets to 34.3 percent from 45.4 percent.
And the percentage using an illicit drug in the past month plummeted to 15 percent from 37 percent in 1982, the first time the question was asked.
The percentage of companies offering retiree health benefits has plummeted in the last decade, according to a recent report by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
The percentage of palms that must be discarded has plummeted from roughly half to a tenth.
Almost overnight, Mr. Burr said, his airline's percentage of filled seats plummeted.
The percentage of preschool children with that lower level has plummeted from 88 percent to 9 percent.
By the end of the first set, Davenport's first-serve percentage had plummeted to 46.