And the percentage of Americans over 65 is rapidly increasing.
The percentage of Americans in prison has more than doubled since 1970 at a time when the crime rate was often falling.
For example, he said, the percentage of overweight Americans was about 26 in the mid-1970's.
In 2006 the percentage of Native Americans was over 13%.
The percentage of Americans who can truly remember him is small and dwindling.
In addition to the new government entitlement programs, the percentage of Americans with private insurance rose.
The percentage of Americans older than 65 is 12 percent now and will be 21.1 percent by the year 2030, the report said.
The report said the percentage of Americans living below the poverty line last year, 15.1 percent, was the highest level since 1993.
There is a similar pattern in the percentage of Americans who fell below the poverty line.
Only a small percentage of Americans would have that much to leave.