But in terms of percentage growth, manufacturers' outlets are the runaway favorites.
Many investors see a stock as a good buy if its multiple is much less than expected percentage growth in earnings.
As in the entire state, the percentage growth to 2001, he worked for 29.2%.
The percentage growth in the number of jobs expected through the year 2000 in each field is indicated next to the job titles.
So in 1988 we started the list of the 25 fastest growing companies based upon percentage growth.
Cider had the largest percentage growth in sales of alcohol products in 2009 & 2010.
Asians showed the strongest percentage growth, registering an increase of 123.4 percent.
The religion that is growing fastest in terms of percentage growth per year.
The Fast 50 award ranks the country's 50 fastest-growing technology companies based on percentage growth over five years.
Rankings were based on a composite of revenue growth and percentage growth.