Fewer than a third of Ohio Wesleyan's students are involved in Greek life, but that percentage has fluctuated significantly throughout the university's history.
Since the ordinance, the percentage of sales to teen-agers under 18 acting undercover has fluctuated.
The percentage of income spent on furniture has fluctuated slightly but remained essentially flat, at roughly 1 percent of income, through the 1980's.
Over the past twenty years the percentage of exports of goods and services has fluctuated.
The percentage fluctuates, but the success rate of N.F.L. home teams never strays far from 60 percent.
The percentage fluctuates, however, and had risen to 8.2 percent last August, the last month with complete figures.
Besides, the percentage of red blood cells fluctuates drastically according to the effort you put in.
(This percentage can vary from year to year and fluctuates from 5-30 per cent.)
Censuses of the spoken language gave the following numbers of Slovenian speakers (percentages fluctuate although there has been no notable migration):
The percentage of males to females has fluctuated but has been about 55% to 45%.