The South West had the largest percentage decrease of 6.9 per cent to 4,827.
By September 2009, its attorney head count had shrunk 26.4 percent, the largest percentage decrease of any of the 250 largest law firms in the country.
Still, New Jersey had the largest percentage decrease in rates between 1998 and 1999 with an average decrease of 9 percent.
We're talking about a fraction of a percentage decrease in six days.
The largest percentage decrease in mortality during these three decades is shown by women aged 75 - 84.
He estimates the percentage decrease in gut size of early humans directly correlates to the increase in brain size.
The percentage decrease was second highest in the nation, after Massachusetts with 5.6 percent.
The crime with the largest percentage decrease from 2003 to 2004 was motor vehicle thefts.
Many Illinois school districts see a percentage decrease as grade level increases.
I think this principle should be applied in other environmental policies requiring a total amount of decrease instead of a percentage decrease.