But the same percentage chose "improving education."
Your reader base may remain unchanged, but a larger percentage of readers may choose to live in Florida.
We think a high percentage will choose not to fight.
Only a small percentage of students actually choose to do this, though.
A good percentage of students choose to attend parties at local clubs, many of which begin on Thursday night.
Then the participants were asked to guess what percentage of the videotaped students' classmates would choose the same.
Back in the mid-60s, only a small percentage of couples chose to live together prior to marriage.
A smaller percentage choose either the west or east door, which lead to the female-only and male-only lounges I've mentioned before.
An alternate reading selection was available for those opting out, and a small percentage of parents chose this option.
Yet without it, the subsidy to children of wealthier parents keeps increasing, and a growing percentage of them choose public schools.