Of these, 88,663, or 42 percent, had been wearing seat belts.
His agency's report said that 76 percent of people killed in large van accidents were not wearing them.
Studies suggest that only 3 to 5 percent of youngsters wear them.
Of all children killed in crashes, he said, 72 percent were not wearing seat belts.
Fully 85 percent of women, she said, are wearing the wrong bra size.
More than 80 percent of the cases involved wore contact lenses.
Men make much better choices, the study found; fewer than 2 percent wore bad shoes.
Over all, 58 percent of the patients had been wearing seat belts.
However, among those over 14, only 37.2 percent were wearing helmets, the study found.
And 63 percent of those killed in car crashes were not wearing seat belts.