One study predicts that by the year 2005, only 21 percent of the jobs generated in this country will require a college degree.
Today, only 15 percent of all schools require that students do any public service.
Systems sold to Western industrial countries with more than 25 percent of the peak number would require a security plan.
By 20 years out, studies show, 20 percent will require replacement.
"The 100 percent natural reacts to the weather and requires much more maintenance," he said.
Schmidt was the only player to receive the 75 percent, or 345 votes, required for election this year.
The commission estimated that 90 percent of the 300,000 new jobs will require a high school diploma.
You know that the Government says 80 percent of the jobs by the year 2000 will require an education beyond high school.
Industry analysts said that 5 to 9 percent of mortgages now require insurance.
About 15 percent of the motorists involved require medical treatment.