The lowest rate was 0.1 percent, recorded at six hospitals.
The national rate has risen just slightly from the 30-year low of 3.9 percent recorded earlier this year.
But growth has slowed from the 10 percent recorded in May.
It was also the lowest rate since the 3 percent recorded in 1972.
The record cut was 25 percent recorded in 1934, with the country deep in the Depression.
Citicorp said it also sold $50 million in 182-day paper at an average rate of 9.1239 percent, an increase from 8.98 percent recorded last week.
That was 10.9 percent of the total school-age population, more than double the 5 percent recorded in 1965.
By official calculation, prices rose 3.61 percent last month, more than double the 1.79 percent recorded during all of 1998.
The rise over the latest 12 months is 2.8 percent, slightly below the 2.9 percent recorded for the year ended June 1996.
The 5.1 percent unemployment rate for the city was the lowest since the 5 percent recorded in May 1973.