Kodak also said that more than 95 percent of this country's private research and development is done by the manufacturing sector.
He said the company planned to spend about $24 million, or 60 percent of its research and development budget, on microwave products.
Excluding simple chart reviews, about 80 percent of the department's human research is financed by industry.
A: We're spending about 20 percent of our $1 billion research and development budget on communications and interactivity.
Many big drug companies now spend 20 to 30 percent of their research and development budgets on outside collaborations.
Government pays for most university research - 80 percent of Harvard's medical research, for instance.
Still, New Jersey's pharmaceutical firms conduct 85 percent of the industry's research, a strong resource for young companies.
Mr. Gerstner also said that 25 percent of the company's $4.3 billion research and development budget next year would be devoted to network computing.
Only about 13 percent of its research is considered classified.
Actually, over 70 percent of our research and development engineering people are from outside of the U.S.