To get it, he also had to pay 15 percent of a year's rent, or $2,790, as a broker's fee.
The fee was 15 percent of a year's rent, or more than $3,000.
They generally charge tenants 15 percent of a year's rent.
The two paid a broker's fee of 15 percent of a year's rent, and moved in earlier this month.
Miss Policy never even tried going through brokers to find a place because their fees, 10 to 15 percent of a year's rent, are too high.
As a result, residents will have to leave to use the subsidies, which will pay 70 percent of their rent.
But the increase is not to exceed 6 percent of a tenant's rent a year.
Commercial tenants are now assessed taxes at 6 percent of their rent.
Commercial-rent taxes, 6 percent of a building's total rent, are almost always passed on to tenants.
They negotiated the fee from 15 percent of a year's rent to 10 percent.