By the year 2040, the two programs would absorb in taxes nearly 50 percent of the work force's payroll, if today's benefits were to continue.
In 1991, the group was forced to cut 7,000 workers, almost 11 percent of its payroll.
Her bill would require companies with more than 1,000 employees to devote 8 percent of their payroll to health insurance.
No business in a regional alliance would have to pay more than 7.9 percent of its payroll.
The company plans to cut 7,100 more jobs, or 4.3 percent of its global payroll.
The Atlanta workers made up 44 percent of Delta's payroll.
It was just a philosophical decision that we could not put 20, 25 percent of our payroll in one player.
But he said the tax would amount to no more than 1 percent of the company's payroll.
He added that small businesses already typically spend 7 percent of their payroll on health benefits, when they can afford them.
That plan would have cost the Rangers $3,965,000, or 20 percent of their payroll.