This station's two leaders, they have between them a three hundred percent increment upon poor Aragiz's sum total of wits.
As part of today's decision, the 2 percent increments for December and January were approved outright.
The town may continue adding to the supply in 2 percent increments, until it reaches 10 percent when it becomes exempt from the regulations.
The pledges, intended to fund research and development, were collected from these "investors" in ten percent increments over a ten-year period.
For years two through six, the tax rate would be anywhere from 25 percent to 50 percent, graduating in 5 percent increments.
The Town of Huntington starts with 50 percent of the tax assessment and 5 percent increments over 10 years.
Instability, a few percent increment I can't balance out.
Indeed, a one percent increment to GDP in 2013 or any year afterward reduces the deficit by more than $40 billion.
In 1933, there are 55 tax brackets, mostly in 1 percent increments.
The clutch engaged, diverting torque to the front axle in 10 percent increments, until it alleviated the drive wheel slip.