The report sees a further drop of 2 percent in table wine this year, a 6 percent decline in sparkling wine and a 15 percent falloff in wine coolers.
It's California, a huge blue state that refuses to accept federal funding for abstinence-only curriculums, that has a 40 percent falloff in teenage pregnancy over the past decade, second only to Alaska.
There has been a 6 percent falloff in labor force participation among married mothers, according the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
We project another 20 percent falloff in ridership with just a 50-cent increase.
Though part of Jersey City's office market is driven by Manhattan's financial industry, "this building will fill up even if there is a 5 percent falloff in demand," he said.
North Atlantic traffic continued to decline compared with last year, dropping 7.7 percent in February, although that slowdown was less than the 31.3 percent falloff recorded in October.
Major league baseball, two months into a major estrangement with its fans following a long and bitter strike, is still staggering with a 20 percent falloff in attendance.
Now the Big Three are being forced to hunker down, making production cuts that are far deeper than the fairly modest 10 percent falloff in sales would seem to require.
A decline in attendance is also suggested by the 2.4 percent falloff in the number of airline passengers this June, compared with June a year ago.
"Well," Geordi replied to Data, "that explains the eight percent falloff in AFR ratios I keep seeing."