The gap is smallest among youth, but a 10 percent difference still exists.
Investing that 4 percent difference, over a lifetime, can show dramatic results.
In reality, it displays 58,621 such combinations, an 11 percent difference.
So a 1 percent difference in fees adds up to $64,000 by retirement day.
For example, he said the 7 percent difference cited in the study was "very small" and thus not meaningful.
"This range translates into a 40 percent difference in the level of real income by the year 2000."
The pictures seemed to enjoy having more breathing room, even if it was only a 25 percent difference in total area.
"A national study showed that there's only a 1 to 2 percent difference in the number of men and women leaving," she said.
Eleven of the programs had a 30 percent difference.
Never mind how is it price gouging when you are talking about less than 100 percent difference?