In 2003, the project found that 29 percent of all newspaper articles contained at least one anonymous source.
By Sunday July 11, the fire was considered 100 percent contained.
Wrong: the top 10 percent contains a lot of people whom we would still consider middle class, but they weren't the big winners.
By yesterday the fire had charred 3,600 acres and was only 10 percent contained.
And more than 85 percent of the structural steel contains recycled material.
Thirty percent of American households contain someone playing soccer, a figure second only to baseball.
Over all, 61 percent of programs contained some violence, the study said, the same figure as last year, and up from 58 percent in 1994-95.
And at least 6 percent of them contained wrong information.
When the other drugs were included, 83 percent of records contained at least one error, the study found.
After all, 58 percent of households nationwide contain just one or two people.