Fifty-eight percent blamed the students for what had occurred at Kent State.
An additional 13 percent blamed the Internet for their inability to stay focused at work.
Ten years ago, 5 percent of respondents blamed global warming for changes in the weather.
But only 7 percent of the respondents held the President responsible for the way things are going, while 35 percent blamed Congress.
More than 25 percent of the students who withdrew from Berkeley blamed poor health linked to stress, the commission report said.
Only 5 percent of the respondents blamed Pakistan's traditional enemy, India.
The other 96 percent blamed social or political conditions for their plight.
Also, 60 percent blamed a lack of religious beliefs for "failure in life."
Eight percent blamed both, and 3 percent blamed neither, while the rest had no answer.
An April 2010 Information Management article cites a survey in which nearly 90 percent of businesses blame poor performance on data growth.