Of those who could meet the standards, more than 40 percent did not apply.
"To have more than 25 percent of your teaching staff apply to do innovative projects, beyond what they are normally doing, is remarkable."
In commercial projects, where by far the most construction was started, only 1.07 percent applied for certification.
"But 85 to 90 percent of the students who apply need financial aid."
The two sides still have to work out whether that 2 1/2 percent would apply to the second year of random testing or both years.
The other 50 percent apply for financial aid, and they are very price- sensitive.
In six months, the renter can return the art or buy it, with 60 percent of the fee applied to the cost.
About 60 percent of men apply to and enter a two- or four-year college directly after high school.
Thirty-six percent of those who responded to the organization's advertisements have applied for teaching jobs.
Since the new law went into effect 15 months ago, roughly 5 percent of Canada's estimated 3 million gun owners have applied for licenses.