Seventy-one percent of the faculty at the school have advanced degrees.
In 1997, her first year on the job, Mattel's sales rose 6.6 percent and earnings advanced 24.5 percent.
At least 95 percent of minor-leaguers never advance to the majors.
Eighty percent of the women are college graduates, 40 percent have advanced degrees.
"Of the second group, I'd say about 90 percent of the people have advanced degrees; they are the doctors, scientists and engineers," he said.
Eighty-three percent of the Bilingual Department parents have advanced degrees.
Sixty-five percent of the teachers have advanced degrees.
Nearly 80 percent of the faculty members have advanced degrees.
Generally, the top 10 to 20 percent of each school's graduating class will advance to the evaluation course.
The professional staff has an average of 9 years teaching experience, and 40 percent of the teachers have advanced degrees.