The system (which also subsidizes most prescriptions) is financed by a flat 1.4 percent levy on income.
In addition, a 5 percent levy is added to all prices to support the Imlil Village Association.
Consumer groups had sought a 10 percent levy on the ancillary uses of the digital spectrum.
The 1.45 percent levy currently applies only to the first $51,300 in wages.
He admitted that the 2 percent levy is a "welcome, stranger" tax.
Their unearned income, now exempt from the payroll tax, would also be subject to a 3.8 percent levy.
The CDM is subject to a 2 percent levy, which could raise between $300 million and $600 million over the 2008-12 period.
Revenue came from a ten percent levy on goods transiting through the region and from tribute paid by subject nations.
The commissioner also wants to impose a 50 percent levy on portions of payrolls over $98 million.
The tax places a 10 percent levy on the retail price of five luxury goods, when the price exceeds a specified threshold.