Recognizing patterns- perceiving significant similarities or differences in ideas, events, or physical phenomena.
They are actually reversals of each other, illustrating how difficult it is for the eye to draw distinctions and perceive similarities.
He had also perceived similarities between Delta blues and hip hop, which helped to inspire the song.
Once again it is easy to see how Knister shared general characteristics, but difficult to perceive specific similarities because of his imagist style.
"This is an exercise in critical thinking, analyzing relationships, and perceiving similarities."
Voegelin perceived similarities between ancient Gnosticism and modernist political theories, particularly communism and nazism.
In historical analysis, biblical criticism and comparative mythology parallelomania refers to a phenomenon where authors perceive apparent similarities and construct parallels and analogies without historical basis.
Claire Yaffa's "Light and Shadow No. 31" features gauzy organic geometry; a viewer perceives similarities between botanical and body parts.
Quite ironically, the original assessment of Hébert - who perceived similarities with the Anseriformes in the original tibia - thus would be far more correct than any later placement.
Mr. Segura said that Hispanics who were born in the United States and speak English were much more likely to perceive similarities with black Americans than their immigrant, Spanish-speaking counterparts.