Freeman has his own ideas about why, and they center on the difference he perceives between men and women on the tennis court.
Beyond that, he said, he is using the resources of headquarters "to remove barriers, real or perceived, between sales people and customers."
He cited the unevenness in quality he perceived between the two books as an example of "why de Camp has puzzled and exasperated his fans."
Seen in this light, it is hard to perceive of any affinities whatsoever between Hindu law and Jewish law.
It broke something in me, some wall I had held between Thick and myself because of all the differences I perceived between us.
He emphasizes the relationship he perceives between contract law and free markets.
Godwin, never one to mince words, wrote about the differences he perceived between his two daughters:
Rothbard was equally condemning of relationships he perceived between big business and big government.
But they also acknowledge the anxious distance that the film industry perceives between itself and the rest of the country.
In 1976, when disenchanted by the gap he perceived between the economic theory he taught and the socio-political reality, he took to film making.