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The major's eyes were half opened but seemed not to perceive very much around him.
For example, when a person is feeling guilty about something he did earlier, he will perceive the people around him as also feeling guilty.
On the other hand, Easterners have a more "outside-in view" of the world, perceiving the people around them as having complementary emotions to their own.
How individuals perceive the world around them.
Human Perception deals with the way the mind perceives the stimuli around you.
He perceived no sinister aura around the vehicle.
You'll forgive me for saying so, my dear, but I perceive very little aura around you.
"The Net perceives cencorship as damage and routes around it."
Furthermore, the community leaders perceived a threat from the economic development around them.
Cinema developed alongside the wireless and the telephone as communications media that would change the way people perceived the world around them.