In 2008, Israel spent $16.2 billion on its armed forces, making it the country with the highest per-capita military spending ($2,300 per person).
And in a state that is synonymous with driving, per-capita spending for highways has fallen to 51 among the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Average annual per-capita spending for "dual-eligibles" is $20,000, compared to $10,900 for the Medicare population as a wholeall enrollees.
Yet New York continues to lead the nation in per-capita spending on mental health.
His plans call for zero real growth in per-capita spending for a decade, which inevitably means that each year will see severe further cuts in many programs.
With a per-capita income of $9,000, Sioux County receives $8,000 in per-capita Federal spending every year.
The initial baseline and non-formula adjustments are accountable for the current differences in per-capita spending.
The Speaker's per-capita numbers are correct, but even the higher per-capita spending will not cover the program's costs in the years ahead.
Another difference is that per-capita national spending on drug programs is twice as high in Sweden.
Except for the District of Columbia, New Mexico enjoys the nation's highest per-capita Federal spending.