Also they ensure fixtures are flushed only once per use.
This only allows one to return the last unanswered call, and can cost 35 cents per use.
Use by the government was allowed without further payment, and members of the public were to be charged $5.00 per temporary use.
So the watch would only work for ten minutes' subjective time per use.
Even if they did, blood testing strips cost about 75 cents per use, an expense that can run into thousands of dollars annually.
It is estimated that this saves up to 20 liters of water per use.
Moreover, it costs much less than $25 per use (closer to between $5 and $10).
Subscribers receive a single monthly bill; others pay per use.
In 1996, the cost of raising the floodgates was about $18,000 per use.
Customers can either become members or pay per use.