In 2008, the average price of iron ore was set at $56 per tonne.
Looking ahead, the price by the year 2000 was expected to be no more than about $50 per tonne.
Copper hit its high for 2011 in February at more than $10,000 per tonne.
The German price of €100/£49 per tonne was typical for the year 2003 and it steadily rose over the years.
They were able to make a profit of $2,260 rather than $1,700 per tonne.
The profit after transport is estimated to be around €15 to €30 per tonne.
The cost of clean fill also increased to $20 per tonne on that date.
Consider, for example, the big difference between expenses and the trading price per tonne of tuna.
I note from the figures that the cost per tonne seems to have gone down.
The lower rate is £2.50 per tonne from 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2012.