This means that there is an average of 3,976 residents per representative.
The system costs between $500 and $5,000 a year per representative, depending on the size of the customer service team.
To reach the minimum of 100 representatives, Congress would initially have had to keep the district size at 30,000 per representative.
The average for that year: an amazing 19 bounced checks per representative.
This means that there are 3785.5 residents per representative.
It has the fewest residents per representative of any district in Vermont.
As there are a total of 150 representatives, there were 4059 residents per representative.
The number of House Representatives, however, is solely based on population (30,000 per representative).
Annual sales per representative - about $3,100 in 1990 - have been declining in recent years, allowing for inflation.
As there are a total of 150 representatives, there were 4,059 residents per representative (or 8,118 residents per two representatives).