It consumes 426,000 gallons of water per run to clean the entire tower.
There are numerous experiments that can create terabytes of data per run.
Davis started 14 games during the 1995 season, carrying the ball 237 times, averaging 4.7 yards per run, and scoring eight touchdowns.
Generally 20 - 24 AP pins are made of each pin per run.
The technology allowed users to sequence 60 gigabases per run.
There are a total of 11 zones in the game, with 5 stages per run.
The cost per run is also significantly lower than that of alternative automated sequencing methods, at roughly $1,000.
This translated into $1.5 million per run for Jung.
I hope whoever hit the recommend on that post bought the spread at £10 per run.
We are now getting down down to approximately 2 or 3% waste per run.