The retail value of the checks is about $60 per month per participant.
This program costs $16,500 per participant but generates $33,000 each in benefits for society, according to Mathematica.
The cost was £75 per participant for the six-day course.
The total cost per participant was also much lower.
Training costs are also seen by some to higher per participant when compared to other training routes.
The program is expensive, about $1 billion a year, or about $20,000 per participant.
The basic rate has not changed since 1991, when companies that run pension plans began to be billed $19 annually per participant.
Clubs that did usually issued between 30 and 50 Créditos per participant.
For 2011, the average total administrative and management fees on a 401(k) plan was 0.78 percent or approximately $250 per participant.
Several recent studies have computed the average cost savings per participant.