Only one driver per lane goes per green.
So the effective data rates after decoding are 1.296, 2.16, and 4.32 Gbit/s per lane (or 80% of the total).
According to state transportation officials, the rough cost of a new road built to federal interstate standards is $3 million per mile per lane.
This is about the same number of passengers per lane.
With a roundabout, we have more volume per lane, and therefore it can keep the intersection much more compact.
The press of customers, per lane, is constant.
Transmit and receive are separate differential pairs, for a total of four data wires per lane.
Up to 10 μl of membrane protein preparation per lane were loaded onto the gel.
Where two lanes apply, one vehicle per lane is released per green signal.
Until "the Y" introduced circle swimming in the thirties, only two swimmers could swim per lane.