The greater the cost per job, the fewer jobs we can afford.
All told, the deal to keep 400 manufacturing jobs cost taxpayers about $61,000 per full-time job.
The Average Wage per job reported for 2003 was $26,650.
It had an average wage per job of $34,042.
The deal, worth about $475,000 per job, was among the most lucrative ever offered.
At their prime, the gang would steal a quarter of a million dollars per job on average.
But the cumulative budget deficit would be about $55 billion higher than without the credit, or $110,000 per job, the report said.
But it is also a poor state, ranking dead last among the states in average wage per job, at $23,037.
The total came to $1.09 million, or an average of $6,400 per job.
Whether this added up in terms of cost per job was another matter.