This gave me almost fifty thousand per bag, give or take a year's salary.
The porter should receive $1 to $2 per bag, depending upon the size and weight of the bags.
A few dollars a day is fine for room staff, while anyone carrying your bags might expect US$1 or so per bag.
At hotels, tip bellhops about $1 to $2 per bag.
If the retailer sells the sugar at 52p per bag, what is the total mark up on the bags?
One little pack can contain up to five servings, weighing in at 700 calories per bag.
This represents a maximum of 1.25kg per 25kg bag.
By this time, the price of tickets had risen to $6 each, and popcorn was available for $1 per bag.
In a month you'll receive a check for $250 per bag.
You must charge a minimum of 5 pence per bag.