Just like elementary charges, this was supposed to give rise to discrete values of the total magnetic moment per atom.
The nonbonded terms are most computationally intensive because they include many more interactions per atom.
In 1906 Thomson demonstrated that hydrogen had only a single electron per atom.
- what is the relative energy per atom of interface area for each kind of bond?
Such measurements show that the density for silver is around 8 10 m or around 1.2 per atom.
I should say, extra energy *per atom or molecule*, which is the same thing as a higher temperature.
With a solid, electrons (usually one per atom) move through the material and the ions left behind just stay put.
Heat capacity per atom, and per unit volume, is lost with them.
That is why I keep equating per unit volume and per atom.
Energies released and absorbed in chemical processes are about 1 eV per atom.