About a quarter of high school seniors apply to seven or more schools, paying an average of $40 per application.
"When it's one a day, you have to move a bit faster" - about 5 to 10 minutes per application, he said.
In normal use, 0.5 grams should be administered to the face per application twice a day.
Most colleges charge about $50 to $75 per application.
Smuggled through Mexico, it is available for a third of its normal price of $90 to $100 per application.
The same $25 execution fee is charged per application.
If you passport is needed within two weeks or less, bring proof as to why you need it expedited, and $60 per application.
Unlike a public issue, the book building route will see minimum number of applications and large order size per application.
(Only one hunter per application is needed in all of the above units save 18, where two must apply.)
The amount an average-size adult in a bathing suit should use is one ounce per application, repeated every few hours.